Warning, site contents may be triggering. Our goal is to expose, escape, and to heal, not trigger. Read with care, write without fear
If you are currently being abused and in danger, please clear your browser history after visiting this site, and we recommend The Brave Browser so your internet activity does not increase your danger.
  • Escaping Abuse

    Abuse, while you are in an abusive situation, you may feel stuck, like escape is hopeless.

    We provide hope, safety, and a chance to disappear and be out of reach of your abusers.

    We do not stick you in a shelter, we match you with homes, real loving homes, that are safe, secure, and most of all, hidden and beyond the reach of your abusers.

  • Safety Net

    Welcome to the exposetheabuse safety net. We aim to establish a network of safe spaces around the country, and around the world. There is a great need for safe, secure, and most of all secret places for abuse victims and survivors to escape to, and begin the healing process.

    For people escaping abuse, our network of safe houses will always remain secret, you will not be found, or in danger once placed under the protection of our safety net. We will never disclose your location, and we will ensure your hosts treat you gently, with kindness and respect. You will no longer be at risk once you are within our safety net network.

    For the people who care enough to provide a safe space for healing, and escape from abuse, your anonymity is guaranteed. Nobody will ever show up at your door demanding you release the escapee in your care. Opening your home to someone escaping abuse can be the most rewarding thing you ever do, but is not without its challenges. People who have suffered horrific abuse may have emotional and behavioral issues that require a deep compassion and understanding. We will strive to help you provide a calm, safe, and healing environment.