Warning, site contents may be triggering. Our goal is to expose, escape, and to heal, not trigger. Read with care, write without fear
If you are currently being abused and in danger, please clear your browser history after visiting this site, and we recommend The Brave Browser so your internet activity does not increase your danger.
  • Offer A Safe Space For Abuse Escapees

    We NEVER divulge the locations of safe houses within our safety net.

    You may register your home as a safe space for abuse survivors to escape to, you also have the final word on who may be placed with you, and for how long.

    Abuse survivors may at times require long term residence, with support towards regaining their independence and sense of security. 

    Abuse survivors are likely to show symptoms of PTSD, depression, anxiety, and mistrust. We may at times review safe houses to ensure they provide a proper environment that restores a sense of security and comfort.

    Because alcohol and hard drug abuse often leads to physical, emotional or sexual abuse, households may be disqualified if any innapropriate or potentially problematic behavior is reported.

  • Register Your Home As A Safe House

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